Whether you’re responsible for infection control, patient care, or the reputation of the hospital, you understand the challenges of surgical site infections. Billions are spent annually on treating surgical site infections (SSIs), affecting both patients and staff. While numerous studies have proven airborne pathogens are a major source of contamination in the OR, minimum codes for air quality have not kept up. That’s where SurgicAir® Zero comes in.
By eliminating all OR airborne pathogens at the table, your patients (and your bottom line) can now be protected from the dangers and costs associated with airborne pathogens.
Let’s debunk some myths.
“The air in your operating rooms is sterile.”
——— FACT ———
Did you know there are NO air cleanliness regulations governing OR airflow quality? The OR is constantly being contaminated and the OR staff is the predominant source of airborne pathogens. Sources also include contaminated air recirculated from adjacent spaces.
“There is a sterile field around the table that protects the patient.“
——— FACT ———
Conventional laminar flow products allow pathogens in the perimeter of the room to be deposited directly on the patient.
“The comfort needs of the OR staff are being met effectively.“
——— FACT ———
Conventional laminar flow products only cool the patient, missing the surgical staff entirely, and standard in-room controls are inadequate.
Despite what you may believe…
Conventional laminar airflow does not protect the patient from airborne pathogens.

Conventional Laminar Airflow
Why it doesn't work
- Pathogen-carrying particles are continuously shed by the surgical staff, contaminating the air. Studies have shown personnel to be a predominant source of these particles.
- With conventional laminar airflow technology, the cool, dense supply air falls quickly into a narrow column barely the width of the surgical site.
- The acceleration of the cold supply air pulls or “entrains” hot contaminated air from the perimeter of the room into the critical zone.
- Even the best conventional systems still allow 30-40% percent of particles from the perimeter of the room to reach the patient.
- The narrow, focused column of cool supply air does not reach the surgical team, causing the patient to become dangerously cold, while the surgeons remain uncomfortably hot.
““We recognize that airborne particulate bacteria are a major source of contamination in the operating room environment and that bacteria shed by personnel are the predominant source of these particles.”
—Workgroup 4: Operative Environment. Statements presented at the Proceedings of the Int’l Consensus Meeting on Periprosthetic Joint Infection, Philadelphia, PA. August 2013.


Patient is fully protected by an impenetrable wall of zero-particle airflow, and the surgical team is in complete control of their own comfort.
Learn more
- The SurgicAir® ZERO’s patent pending technology delivers a large impenetrable area of ultra-clean, particle-free air that encompasses both the patient and the surgical staff.
- The highly localized controlled air may not be contaminated by air from adjacent spaces.
- Even particles shed from staff at the table are immediately expelled from the critical zone.
- The large area of controlled air means the surgeons are all within the cooling airflow, allowing them to remain comfortable and focused on the patient.
- The SurgicAir® ZERO system is the first and only system that eliminates ALL particles from the surgical site.
- The airflow at the table remains clean, even as staff enter and exit the OR during surgery.
The SurgicAir® Zero System

Safer patients,
lower SSI rates
Airborne pathogens are eliminated with patent-pending airflow design and a critical support system that work together to ensure particle-free air at the patient.
Millions in cost savings
SSIs are expensive, affecting the lives of both patients and hospital staff. The elimination of just one SSI may be enough to offset the investment costs of a SurgicAir Zero system.
Precise, rapid temperature control
An intuitive independent room temperature management system gives surgeons complete targeted control of patient safety and the comfort of the entire surgical staff.
Localized high-efficiency filtration
With dedicated cleanroom grade filtration at the point of delivery in each O.R., we eliminate the possibility of airborne contamination from adjacent O.R. spaces.

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About Precision Air
Precision Air is the only U.S. healthcare company specializing in improving surgical patient outcomes through customized, zero-particle OR airflow solutions. Since 1974, our research-based philosophy has been built upon the idea that patients and surgical teams deserve the safest, most comfortable environments that technology can provide. By placing a strong emphasis on custom innovation and ROI for our customers, hospitals all over the world are enjoying the value-added benefits that only a specialist like Precision Air can provide.