The Limitations of Conventional Laminar Airflow
The importance of clean air during surgery is critical to patient safety and infection control.
While healthcare believes conventional laminar airflow diffusers are delivering on their promise, it’s time to debunk the myth, once and for all. The reality is laminar diffusers alone don’t control the air as expected, and they don’t protect patients from surgical site infections (SSIs)—even when they exceed minimum requirements.
Our new whitepaper, Limits of Laminar Airflow in an Operating Room and How to Break Through Them, is packed with empirical data demonstrating what the air is actually doing in every operating room, and why. And it offers a proven technology that achieves zero-particle air and provides vastly superior patient protection from dangerous and costly SSIs.
An alternative method of controlling operating room airflow is proposed and shown to produce superior results.
Learn about these SurgicAir solutions:
About Precision Air
Precision Air is the only U.S. healthcare company specializing in improving surgical patient outcomes through customized, zero-particle OR airflow solutions. Since 1974, our research-based philosophy has been built upon the idea that patients and surgical teams deserve the safest, most comfortable environments that technology can provide. By placing a strong emphasis on custom innovation and ROI for our customers, hospitals all over the world are enjoying the value-added benefits that only a specialist like Precision Air can provide.